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Compact retreat with a pleasant babbling brook

  • 2,500,000

  • Oizumi-cho Yato, Hokuto City

  • About 11 minutes to Kobuchizawa IC

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  • 332㎡

This land for sale is located in the Oizumi-cho Yado area, at an elevation of 960 meters above sea level, in a quiet and tranquil environment within the Izumigo villa management area. A stream flows on the northwest side, creating a soothing space where one can spend time while feeling the pleasant murmur of nature. This land is moderately compact in size and is ideal for those who are considering a vacation home or a second house. It offers an ideal retreat for those who want to live in harmony with nature. This land is perfect for those who want to spend a quiet moment surrounded by nature and realize their dream vacation home life. If you are interested, please take a look at the property.

Oizumi-cho Yato, Hokuto City
About 11 minutes to Kobuchizawa IC
Land Area
Floor Plan
Land Rights
Total Floor Area
Road Frontage
Southeast side
Date of Construction
Road Direction / Width
Southeast side : 4m city road
Building Structure
Current Status
Mountain forest
Land Category / Topography
Mountain forest
Non-designated area
Building Coverage Ratio
Floor Area Ratio
Builder Requirements
National Land Use Planning Law
Available for Handover (Year/Month)
Transaction Type
Facilities / Conditions
Water supply is available.
Location / Surrounding Environment
Trees will need to be cleared and rooted at the time of construction. Water service is available, but the water pipe is not buried in the road in front of the house, so the installation cost will be higher than usual. As the property is located within the Senkou villa management area, a management fee of 18,000 yen per year will be incurred. The subject land falls within the “forest symbiosis zone” defined by the “Hokuto City Community Development Ordinance” and the minimum site area for construction is 500 m2 or more. In addition, there is a covenant that restricts construction of new buildings according to the “Yatsugatake Kogen Building Covenant”. According to these ordinances and regulations, prior consultation is required when constructing a building on this site (please inquire for details).

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