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Real Estate: Trust Your Instincts – A Unique Journey

1. Background

Could you please tell us your name and occupation?

Mr. Y (Office Worker)

Can you tell us where you currently live?

Oizumi Town, Hokuto City

What made you decide to purchase land?

I decided to purchase it as a future home for my children.

2. Encounter with Our Real Estate Agency

How did you come to know about our company?

I noticed a signboard on-site. The inclusion of a QR code, unlike other companies, caught my attention. However, I found it a bit challenging to locate the phone number, which made me feel somewhat uneasy.

3. Land Searching Process

What was the most important factor for you when looking for land?

The availability of water and sewage systems, ease of access for children’s schooling, and proximity to bus stops were the most critical points for me.

How did you find the response and support from our staff?

Whenever I called, the representative responded promptly. In situations requiring quick actions, their swift callbacks were extremely helpful. Detailed explanations eased my concerns about the purchase.

4. Contract and Purchase

Did the contract procedures go smoothly?

I was informed that the handover would be by June 28th, so I expected the procedures to be completed by then. While the actual handover did happen on June 28th, clearer explanations would have provided more reassurance.

5. Satisfaction and Areas for Improvement

Are you satisfied with the land you purchased? Please tell us the reason.

I am very satisfied because the location is excellent.

What did you particularly like about our service?

Communication through LINE was very easy and convenient.

Do you have any suggestions for improvement or additional services you’d like to see?

As someone who often creates presentation materials for my sales job, I believe that in today’s era of increasing remote meetings, having materials that visually outline the other party’s setup would enhance the sense of security. Providing services that match the times is crucial.

6. Other Advice and Expectations

Could you share any advice or messages for those looking for land?

Momentum is key. If something feels right, act on it immediately. Real estate is unique, so trust your instincts.

Finally, do you have any requests or expectations for our company?

I hope you continue to grow and become the top real estate agency in Hokuto City. I also wish for you to provide numerous proposals and ongoing support to those considering a purchase. Although I am not well-versed in the real estate industry, I believe in valuing customers, fostering long-term relationships beyond a single transaction.