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Hokuto City: Japan’s Premier Spring Water Destination

Hokuto City, known as Japan’s premier spring water destination, boasts three locations that have been selected for the “100 Famous Japanese Waters”: the Yatsugatake Southern Foot Spring Group, Shirasu and Ojiragawa, and the source streams of Mt. Kinpu and Mt. Mizugaki. These pristine water sources are a vital natural resource for local agriculture and tourism, cherished by residents and visitors alike.

Water from the Southern Alps
Surrounded by the mountains of the Southern Alps, Hokuto City benefits from abundant spring water flowing throughout the area. This water is exceptionally pure and rich in minerals.

Famous Waters of Shirasu Town
Shirasu Town is home to numerous spring water sites, with Shirasu Famous Water Park being a notable spot where visitors can enjoy fresh spring water. Additionally, Shirasu is the location of the Suntory Hakushu Distillery, where the local water is used in whisky production.

Abundant Groundwater
Hokuto City also has an abundance of groundwater, with many homes and facilities utilizing well water. This groundwater, filtered through the abundant precipitation from the Southern Alps and Yatsugatake, is exceedingly pure.

Otaki Spring

Shosenkyo Gorge, Shojigataki Falls

Kamatagawa Gorge, Oodryu Falls

Ojiragawa Gorge, Sengafuchi Pool

The “Water Mountain” Project

Starting from the Southern Alps region, the “Water Mountain” project aims to promote Hokuto City as a world-renowned water source, driving regional revitalization and spreading its value globally.

For more details, visit the “Water Mountain” website.